Facebook has done it’s darndest to take over your digital life. The massively popular social network has your photos, videos, a news feed, apps and games and even instant messaging. Seeking further ubiquity, Facebook is bringing its Facebook Messenger IM feature to Windows 7 as a desktop download.
While Facebook Messenger may play second fiddle to chat services such as Google’s Gchat, Facebook Messenger has amassed a horde of dedicated users — not to mention the millions of people that use Facebook every day.
The chat bar is meant as a chat client and as such many of Facebook‘s features are disabled. For example, you can accept pending friend requests but if you want to search for new friends or check profiles you’ll need to go to Facebook.com. Facebook says the chat bar is a trial application so expect updates and changes (it is Facebook, after all).
The download currently doesn’t support video or voice calling though these features will have to be added if Facebook wants to stay competitive. Does Facebook Messenger have legs? Let us know your thoughts below.

Facebook Messenger for Windows, merupakan Aplikasi Chating yang dikembangkan Oleh Facebook sendiri, dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan para Usernya dalam berkomunikasi, terkait beberapa Fitur berikut seperti Facebook Chat, Ticker feed dan Notifikasi. Namun katanya Facebook Messenger ini hanya berjalan di Windows 7, untuk Windows XP silahkan dicoba sendiri.
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