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Kamis, Januari 05, 2012

0 Banten-Xp Version 5.1 Special (WH D3D Khusus Pb Colombia/Spanyol)

[x] Josendro Barbara

Thank's For :
[x] CLeo_Sr
[x] Aswar TeamElite Dx
[x] Vgm Rizki NeverSaydie
[x] Nexsy Moreno Al-Hamda
[x] Andi Lala
[x] Naks Brew II
[x] ALL Member Daily-Xp
[x] ALL Member LOCI
[x] ALL Member LOPI
[x] ALL Member NCOL
[x] ALL Member A1B

Fitus/Hotkeys :
[x] Liat Di D3D Oke...

Cara Penggunaan Cheat :
[x] Download Cheat
[x] Buka Rarnya
[x] Buka Geps.exe
[x] Buka Pb/Stars
[x] Nanti Gepsnya Geter
[x] Cari DLLnya
[x] Trus Inject Now
[x] Keluar Notice Tekan ENTER aja
[x] Tekan Resume
[x] Happy Cheating

Rabu, Januari 04, 2012

0 Banten-Xp Version 5.0 (Replace Weapon 9 Senjata)

Creadit :

[x] Josendro Barbara

Thank's For :
[x] CLeo_Sr
[x] Aswar TeamElite Dx
[x] Vgm Rizki NeverSaydie
[x] Nexsy Moreno Al-Hamda
[x] Andi Lala
[x] Naks Brew II
[x] ALL Member Daily-Xp
[x] ALL Member LOCI
[x] ALL Member LOPI
[x] ALL Member NCOL
[x] ALL Member A1B

Fitus/Hotkeys :
[x] Liat Di Notice Oke...

Cara Penggunaan Cheat :
[x] Download Cheat
[x] Buka Rarnya
[x] Buka Geps.exe
[x] Buka Pb/Stars
[x] Nanti Gepsnya Geter
[x] Cari DLLnya
[x] Trus Inject Now
[x] Keluar Notice Tekan ENTER aja
[x] Tekan Resume
[x] Happy Cheating

Cara Pakai Replace Weapon Agar Tidak Terdeteksi Program Ilegal
[x] Pilih room Apa Saja
[x] Misalnya Death Macth
[x] Pass loading Map
[x] Tekan Hotkeys Yg Kalian Pengen

[x] Trus Senjata kalian kan dah ganti sesuai Keinginan
[x] Buang Senjatanya (Tekan G )
[x] Ambil Lagi Senjata yg tadi di buang
[x] Selesai Deh
[x] Gak Bakal Terdeteksi Kok

0 Anti-Porn - With Patch

Anti-Porn parental controlscan filter out adult websites (block porn), which contain objects unsuitable for children, and even filters out chat when offensive language is used. Anti-Porn software can automatically filter out tens of thousands of porn websites and you can also easily add in the websites which you don't want children to see. With Anti-Porn you can also filter out internet material by blocking particular key words.

Anti-Porn parental control software can supply the globe standard time, you can set the program to let your kids use internet at certain times on specific days. Anti-Porn keeps a complete log of all websites visited, filtered out or not, and keeps track of all material viewed on the computer, including files, images, music, and so on. You can have the inventory of your kid's computer history.
Explain the installation of patch
First the Star and Htdguet Then put pressure on the Run
And then Henketb C: \ Program Files \ tuEagles
And then Hafath folder and add a patch appreciate it and we Bstkhaddmh

Senin, Januari 02, 2012

0 Download Facebook Messenger for Windows 7

Facebook has done it’s darndest to take over your digital life. The massively popular social network has your photos, videos, a news feed, apps and games and even instant messaging. Seeking further ubiquity, Facebook is bringing its Facebook Messenger IM feature to Windows 7 as a desktop download.

While Facebook Messenger may play second fiddle to chat services such as Google’s Gchat, Facebook Messenger has amassed a horde of dedicated users — not to mention the millions of people that use Facebook every day.

The chat bar is meant as a chat client and as such many of Facebook‘s features are disabled. For example, you can accept pending friend requests but if you want to search for new friends or check profiles you’ll need to go to Facebook.com. Facebook says the chat bar is a trial application so expect updates and changes (it is Facebook, after all).

The download currently doesn’t support video or voice calling though these features will have to be added if Facebook wants to stay competitive. Does Facebook Messenger have legs? Let us know your thoughts below.

Facebook Messenger for Windows
, merupakan Aplikasi Chating yang dikembangkan Oleh Facebook sendiri, dengan tujuan untuk memudahkan para Usernya dalam berkomunikasi, terkait beberapa Fitur berikut seperti Facebook Chat, Ticker feed dan Notifikasi. Namun katanya Facebook Messenger ini hanya berjalan di Windows 7, untuk Windows XP silahkan dicoba sendiri.
Buat sobat blogger semua yang punya artikel menarik dan ingin artikelnya di pajang di Banten-Xp, kirimkan saja artikelnya ke Josendro.Barbara@gmail.com, dan jangan lupa lampirkan artikel dalam format zip/rar yang didalamnya juga sudah ada gambar pendukung artikelnya.

Minggu, Januari 01, 2012

0 Algebrator Portable | Software Aljabar Matematika

 Apa kabar sobat Banten-Xp? Sekarang saya akan share sebuah software yang dapat membantu anda dalam proses belajar mengajar pada bidang matematika, khususnya pada bab aljabar. Aplikasi ini bernama Algebrator.

Algebrator yang saya share ini adalah Algebrator versi 4.0.1. Jadi, misalnya anda menemui masalah pada bab aljabar, anda dapat mengandalkan software yang satu ini, karena software ini tidak hanya menyajikan jawabanya saja, tetapi juga langkah-langkah penyelesaiannya. Terlebih software ini adalah software portable. Bagaimana ? Canggih bukan ?

Berikut beberapa masalah yang saya ketahui yang dapat Algebra selesaikan
  • Menyederhanakan aljabar
  • Pemfaktoran
  • Persamaan Linear 2 Variable
  • Persamaan Linear 3 Variable
  • Operasai dengan fungsi (domain, kodomain,...)
  • Geometri dasar dan trigonometri
  • Menyederhanakan logaritma
  • dll

Buat sobat blogger semua yang punya artikel menarik dan ingin artikelnya di pajang di Banten-Xp, kirimkan saja artikelnya ke Josendro.Barbara@gmail.com,
 dan jangan lupa lampirkan artikel dalam format zip/rar yang didalamnya juga sudah ada gambar pendukung artikelnya.