Ignite 2011 | PC Game | Genre: Racing, Simulator | {173MB}
Ignite is something utterly different than any other racing game before. There is so many ways to win and positions can change until the last second and even after that, when everybody already crossed the finish line. Excitement never stops in Ignite as you may never be a sure winner at the lead and you never lost the race just because you are at the last position.
Key Features
[-] Brand new type of game play:
Score mode is an interesting new twist to the good old racing genre: Gather score and burn it away to get ahead or collect score and jump to the front at the end of the race.
[-] In Crash mode you start with a set amount of score. If you hit a wall you lose some of it. When it runs out, you are out.
[-] In Run Out mode your score is running out. You may replenish your score by hitting objects and also burn it away to get to the next checkpoint faster.
[-] Random atmosphere: From sunshiny, to fogy the same racetrack may have a very different feel between two races.
[-] 3 totally different types of racing cars: Race the American muscle, the import or the super sport cars. They all need a different way of driving but with the right strategy they all can win.
[-] 25 racetracks: From the inner city to the rural areas, from race tracks to city streets plenty of asphalt to race on.
[-] 27 Unlockable Achievements: You may be among best and run a fast lap, but can you perform these stunts?
Unlockable bonus content: driving on the edge gets you new body paints, cars and never seen before tracks.
[-] Car damage: If you bump into the others or run into objects your beautiful sports car will look like a mess by the end of the race.
[-] Multiplayer mode: Play up to 4 of your friends and compete against the computer or each other in our brand new game mods. This game will be the next big hit on LAN parties all over the world.
System Requirements:
Pentium 4 3 GHz, 512 MB RAM (2 GB RAM - Vista/7), graphic card 512 MB (GeForce 9600 or better), 950 MB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7.
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