Wedding Album Maker Gold 3.33 Full Serial is a softwarewhich serves to create a DigitalPhoto Album, Wedding AlbumMaker Gold with Full Serial 3:33this friend will be able to make aphoto album like video with only collect a few photos buddymemories, such as weddingsand other photo -other, and then add songs that match the feel of photos of it, my friend can also choose the background that already exists, then my friend can also store it in the form of DVDand VCD, are all presented in the features - features that are user friendly, very easy for the to use.
- No Experience Necessary
- All-in-One Wedding Photo Album Maker
- Lovely Music, Transition Effects
- Highest Resolution Format On TV
- Professional Hollywood-style DVD Menu Templates
- Decorate Wedding Photos with Text and Art Clips
- Multiple Supported Input and Output Formats
Wedding Album Maker Gold 3.33 Full Serial merupakan sebuah software yang berfungsi untuk membuat sebuah Album Photo Digital, dengan Wedding Album Maker Gold 3.33 Full Serial ini sobat akan bisa membuat sebuah album photo seperti video dengan hanya mengumpulkan beberapa photo kenangan sobat, seperti photo pernikahan dan lain-lain, kemudian menambahkan lagu yang sesuai dengan nuansa photo-photo tersebut, sobat juga bisa memilih background2 yang sudah ada, kemdian sobat juga bisa menyimpannya dalam bentuk DVD maupun VCD, semuanya tersaji dalam dalam fitur - fitur yang user friendly, sangat mudah untuk di gunakan.
Looking for slideshow software to share your lovely moments with family and friends? If so, you definitely need Wedding Album Maker. Sharing and viewing wedding photos in a slide show software format with friends and family has never been easier! With Wedding Album Maker, you can use your CD or DVD burner to make high quality photo slide show DVD disc in less than half an hour by yourself.
Supported Input Formats:
- Picture: BMP, JPEG, JPG, PNG, TIFF
- Music: MP3, WAV, WMA, Sound tracks from CDs, Voice narrations & recordings
- Supported Output Formats:
- Disc: Standard DVD, VCD 2.0 (Still image) or SVCD, Blu-ray Disc, AVCHD Disc
- Standard Definition Video: FLV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MP4, AVI, DivX AVI
- Highz Definition Video: HD MP4, AVC H.264 with 720P resolution
- Video for Mobile Devices: cell phone, iPod, PSP, Archos, Creative Zen or other media players
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